Video discussions related to part 9:
What source materials did Moses have available to him when he wrote Genesis?
Did Moses use any written documents as sources for the content of the Pentateuch?
Should we be troubled by the fact that the Pentateuch reflects a form of Hebrew that is much later than the time of Moses?
Lesson Outline >
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Modern Critical Approaches
• Presuppositions
º Naturalism
º Historical Development
• Authorship
º Divine Names
º Duplicate Accounts
º Inconsistencies
• Interpretive Strategies
º Source Criticism
º Form Criticism
º Traditional Criticism
º Redaction Criticism
º Contemporary Criticism
Modern Evangelical Approaches
• Presuppositions
º Supernaturalism
º Historical Development
• Authorship
º Biblical Evidence
º Essential Mosaic Authorship
• Interpretive Strategies
º Thematic
º Historical
º Literary